Covid - 19: an experience which reshaped our lives.

A brief introdution.
Many people lived the experience of losing their loved ones all thanks to a disease that paradoxically prevented them from doing something we do Many people experienced the loss of their loved ones, all thanks to a disease that paradoxically prevented them from doing something we do from the first day we are born: breathing. 

Although the pandemic is over and Covid-19 has fortunately become part of a sad and unforgettable memory, today I would like to invite you to reflect on two facts: Covid-19 itself and the pandemic it caused, which led to an unprecedented event in history: the global imprisonment, the isolation of people, even of those we love the most. 

1. Think about how the Covid - 19 has changed our lives and how it has affected the way we imagine the future.

2. Reflect upon the new challenges that education has faced since the appearance of the Covid - 19.

3. Suggest which learning strategies emerged during the imprisonment and explain how they allowed people to continue learning under virtuality.

Task number 1: "Do you remember how education was?"

See the following pictures. What do they tell you about education before and after The Covid - 19? Write at least three ideas for each one. Then, make an infographic about it.


Task number 2: "Let's recall our memories"

For this first activity, you need to go back in time. Choose two or three relatives of yours, ask them to tell you what they though The Covid - 19 was. Try to summarize their answer in no more than two lines. Then, make a short presentation using Powtoon, in it you will present your results. If you do not know how to use this tool, please, go to the following video.

Task number 3: "Let's move from video, movement and sound. Make a frieze."

Watch the following video: copy on your notebook the most important ideas, then, have them as a support to design a frieze, in it you must mention those ideas. Finally, you will record video by using knovio, the video must not be longer than 3 minutes, in the video you must show your frieze. Here will find the link with a tutorial that will help you to use Knovio.

This is the video.

Grading criteria:

This activity will be assessed and graded in this way:

* Task number 1: 5 points

* Task number 2: 5 points

* Task number 3: 5 points.

For each task I will assess:

* Grammar accuracy: 1.5 points.

* Creativity: 1.5 points.

* Presentation / Layout of the activity, depending the format required: 2.0 points.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear John,
    this is a good lesson. You present a clear context and then propose a series of activities, however, I missed the objectives of the lesson. They are not stated. I liked you added the grading criteria. You designed a lesson with transmodal sequences. This is good, however, be aware that when you put together so much stuff, it could be daunting for your students. Answering questions, watching videos, to answer more questions, then create a sort of comic and then a knovio presentation is too much. The lesson will need to be more balanced a realistic of what students will be willing to do without burnout. This is a lesson that could be broken into several tasks. There are good activities, but they need to be distributed better.
