martes, 26 de septiembre de 2023

Personal Inventory: The role of ICT's and CALL in my TEFL experience.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello John,
    thank you for sharing your trajectory with technology. I also had the chance to interact with diskets and saw the development of technology. From CDs to usb memories, external hard disks and now the internet or digital storage. I also like that you mention the period of labs. Nowadays labs are old-fashioned because access to online resources is quite easy. Back in the days, it was hard to find audiovisual content in English. Today, movies, youtube and other media makes it easier so unless you have a special software to take your students to practice English, there is no need to have a lab. It is good to hear that you have been working tiressly to integrate digital technologies in your classroom, especially after the pandemic. I hope this class contributes to that purpose.
